Last updated on January 28th, 2025 at 03:20 pm


Shri. B. Venugopal Reddy, IAS

Hon. Addl. Chief Secretary, Higher & Technical Education


Dr. Vinod Mohitkar,

Technical Education, M.S.

pic3 download

Dr. M. B. Daigavane

Joint Director, Regional Office, Nagpur


Dr. R. L. Wankhade

I/C Principal

Shri. Saurabh Vijay

Secretary, Higher Technical Education

Dr. Abhay E. Wagh

Director, DTE, Mumbai

Dr. Vinod Mohitkar

Director, MSBTE, Mumbai

Shri.Pramod Naik

Director, Regional Office, Mumbai

Shri. A.M.Jadhav

Principal, Govt. Polytechnic, Ratnagiri

Dr. R. L. Wankhade

I/C Principal

Principal's Desk

Dear Parents and Students,

It gives me immense joy to introduce you to Government Polytechnic, Bramhapuri. Since its humble inception in September 1985 with just 30 students in Mechanical, the institute had crossed several mile stones with present intake of 390 students and Six branches include in first shift and minority shift. We have a team of highly qualified and experienced faculties. We own an excellent infrastructure, well equipped laboratories, class room, library and training and placement cell. We strive continuously to enable our students to move forward with full confidence and innovative ideas, in their field so that they become an efficient and dynamic diploma Engineers. Below are our beliefs regarding teaching and learning that we developed as part of teaching-learning process.


To Provide Skilled Diploma Engineers with Professional Ethics to Cater to the Changing Needs of Industries and Society.


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